Planning to come across to Tatton Park in June & have a question.
From last years event I see there was a special TR7 Celibration but for this year would I be stuck in the group of Sportscars ie the MG's etc or will there be a huge group of TR7's in one area.
The Local Shows I attended so far, I have felt like the 'Only Gay in the Village ' amongst the MG & Stags etc - record so far was 2 TR7's at one show of 500 cars & we were at the other end of the field to each other !
Cancelled my TR Register Membership as I felt I had trodden in dog dirt when I turned up in the 7 by the 6 'old boys'.
Spoke to Chris regarding the TR Drivers Club & see they are hoping to have a stand, for me to walk over to meet a few of you.