Have to go one year. Had company coming from California so went to Picnic in the Park (same day) in Victoria to meet them (so many events, so little time). Our club (Old English Car Club) won the car club award (a pewter 40's coupe trophy) for most entrants, over 55 if I recall right, at Qualicum Beach which had always gone to a mixed marque club up north (they were not amused). We'll see if there's a major push next year to piss them off again.[8D]
Forgot to mention our club also won our category (motorized division) in the Empire Days Parade on Victoria Day, we usually lose out to the antique tractor entry[:)] Our club also got podium finishes in same day Van Dusen Gardens ABFM (including me) so we're on a roll.[8D]
- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 1991 Integra - Yellow TCT