Postby FI Spyder » 30 Apr 2021 14:43
While every one like to blame every electrical thing on Lucas, there is the story that they had to present three wiring solutions to BL for the TR7 before one was cheap enough to get accepted. Such was the English industry at the time. The other thing is to remember that we are dealing with 12V here and that the connections at the time were open and subject to wet and dry corrosion at a time when there was a lot of pollution in the air (remember acid rain?). When I first got my car I went through every electrical connection and cleaned it with contact cleaner with a pipe cleaner or tiny brush or rubbing it on a cloth (for flat surfaces) and putting the thinnest layer of dielectric grease on it. On the copper lands on the dash circuit I cleaned it with Brasso. I never had an electrical problem in the 15 years I've owned the car with two exceptions. A broken wire (at a crimped connector) that took 12V to the dash lights (I was playing around with the radio at the time) and battery wire clamp at the battery. As for the clock, some people have done the capacitor change in the clock, some have just cleaned the terminals at the clock. The clock being semi mechanical needs a good 12V feed and that includes every connection in the path from the source (battery) to ground. It can be hard to follow the path from circuit diagram to actual but if you do every connection then you know you have them all. A good winter time project. The other thing is the clock has a pendulum operation that can get stuck when connecting and disconnecting battery for what ever reason you might have for doing that. Just disconnecting and reconnecting will usually reset it to get the clock going again. That happened to me once. The clock keeps pretty good time having to reset it once every month or so (can't remember if its 5 minutes fast or slow). Keeps better time than my cell phone which I have to reset about once a week as the time/date goes crazy that often.
As the fuel sender is an analog system depending on resistance, any resistance on any connection in the circuit will skew the reading. That's not counting manufacturing/aging differences in the resistance coil on the sender to the gauge itself.
- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 2013 Volt - Yellow TCT