Postby trsforever » 30 Aug 2010 01:13
Personly I would try to repair what you have, you might find the rust is not to bad in which a good clean out and treating the inside of the tank (you can get special fuel resistent sealer that you tip in tank and swill around and coats the surface) you might solve your rust problem.However if you go for the tyre well tank one of your first problems will be fuel surge, as base is going to quite a large area, followed by pick up probs. A proper fuel cell consists of a box normally aluminium for lite weight, a bag or blader made from a special reinforced rubber that fits inside which is filled with the special tank foam Jim mentioned the main purpose is to stop surge,
But will also slow fuel escape which should not happen as in an accident the box will bend but the rubber blader will distort with it, it dose work. sorry if this is a bit long,hope it has helped.
Regards Scott