I have tried a number of products on my clear original hood windows over the years with various results. One winter I liberally applied Meguiars vinyl restorer and let it soak over the winter. Next spring when I took it out first time to wash it the over run turned the clear plastic cloudy. Nothing really worked until I tried Meguiars Plastix. It cleared them back up. I stick with that as it worked for me. I know people used various products meant for something else (like shoe polish for hood) but I like to stick to purpose designed products as you never know of long term effects of something not specifically formulated. I will wash my windows with vinegar and my decks with Javex by my cars I don't substitute.
- - - - TR7 Spider - - - - - - - - 1978 Spitfire - - - - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 1991 Integra - - Yellow TCT