
Air Flow Ducting

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Postby Hasbeen » 16 Jul 2014 00:21

Another good one Mildred.

I did this many years ago, when we were having serious difficulties cooling the 8 in town. I used a bit of the 1.5mm enameled plate a mate builds truck bodies from. Even had the use of his guillotine to cut the stuff to shape.

We had already fitted a fiberglass spoiler to increase the airflow, with little effect at lower speeds, so ours was fitted from the bottom of the spoiler to the radiator support subframe. This was made slightly more difficult in our case, as there was a transmission oil cooler just below & behind the radiator, which could not be relocated or shielded from air flow.

It did increase the effectiveness of the spoiler at most speeds, right down to about 20/25 MPH, & we felt there was some improvement in stop start traffic. The car certainly cooled much more quickly any time the traffic got up to a normal speed.

It did not turn it into a desirable peak hour chariot, but was a big improvement.


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