OK as I am sure you are all aware some parts of the TR7/8 range can be readily & accurately dated from codes or date stamps. This is a bit anoracky but I have to confess that recently I have had an increasing interest in spotting early parts, both from the start of production & examples of early parts from production line changes like trim.
An example - last weekend Roy & I were looking at John Wood's genuine TR7 Sprint (1977 build). One of the quarterlight windows carries the Triplex date code for May 1973!! Now that car was totally rebuilt by Robsport so the glass may not be original to the car but that is the earliest part I have ever seen regardless.
So go on - anyone got a really early part either on your car or in your collection of bits?
<font size="1">1981 TR7 FHC Cavalry Blue
1980 TR7V8 DHC Jaguar Regency Red - sadly sold!
1977 TR8 FHC EFI Factory development car Inca Yellow</font id="size1">