You may be interested to know that I (Graham Robsen) have recently floated a proposal for a massive inter-Triumph Club occasion at Triumph Forum level, this event to run in 2013 for the 90th Anniversary of the formation of Triumph (and, by the way, the 110th Anniversary of Standard).
The suggestion is that all known Triumph clubs should pool their resources for this one occasion, all should subsume their National events into this one big gig - the implication being that as a joint venture we/they/all of us should be able to afford a weekend at a major venue.
The suggestion is that all manner of 'events' should take place - including a track day, a concours, a fun run, etc, etc.
Forum will take time to consider this - and, incidentally, you would not be surprised to hear than some of the small clubs are already proving to be very negative about the whole scheme ....
When I asked if he would be posting the same elsewhere, he asked me to do so on his behalf, and I am delighted to do so.
My views are well known. I will look forward to 2013 and offer any help I can give.
[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry
