
New forest run 20th April 2008

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New forest run 20th April 2008

Postby john » 28 Mar 2008 08:33

A recently revived event that last year atracted over 70 cars this is a joint venture of many of the Triumph clubs and is a very freindly gentle drive around the west region of the New forest. i think it's around 50 miles and in my opinion is a great way to blow those cobwebs off meet some new and old friends and take the other half out for a bite to eat. always good for a few brownie points [:D]

there will also be prizes for best kept car etc

The cost is £7 or £8 with a nice plaque you also get a rally style plaque to fit to the car during the run.

here is a video of last years run

and the entry form can be found here, Don't worry about the closing date for entry as there are a number of places left, and i doubt the run will attract what it did back in the late 80's early 90's of a 150 cars

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


TR Tony
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Postby TR Tony » 28 Mar 2008 10:55

I booked in John, really looking forward to it. I am pretty sure that Jeff Poole is booked in as well.

So, at least 3 TR7s/8s on the run! The route has been changed from last year & is now around 95 miles in total, finishing at the Compasses Inn instead of back at the start point.

Let's hope we have good weather like we did last year. See you there! Anyone else from the forum going?

<font size="1">1981 2L FHC Cavalry Blue - very original & not rusty!
1980 3.5L V8 DHC Regency Red - on the road again.</font id="size1">

Scuttle Shaker
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Postby TR7Andy » 28 Mar 2008 14:41

me and my son Daniel are booked in with our TR8 see you guys there.

TR Tony
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Postby TR Tony » 29 Mar 2008 10:50

Splendid - make sure you say hello!

Like the video John - spotted my car in there[:)]

<font size="1">1981 2L FHC Cavalry Blue - very original & not rusty!
1980 3.5L V8 DHC Regency Red - on the road again.</font id="size1">

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Postby john » 30 Mar 2008 08:20

i'm planning on doing another video this year, i'm hoping we'll see a few other varities of Triumphs this year too

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


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Postby XSeries » 06 Apr 2008 21:58

There are now just about 100 Triumphs on the run - I will be taking 2 TRs - well one plus my wife the other, as driving two at a time is really difficult!

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Postby john » 07 Apr 2008 07:53

That's cool

i tried to get Club Triumph interested as TR tony knows but they got a funny attitude on their forum, got a good responce from other clubs though,

Thanks Tony for your comments though, i was beginning to feel a little out on my own there[:D]

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


TR Tony
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Postby TR Tony » 07 Apr 2008 09:54

Hey, pleased to help fight the corner, John, I was really pi**ed off by the comments those 2 guys made, when all you are doing is publicising a great day out. If they don't want to go then that's up to them, but don't try to put other people off.

I'm looking forward to it - make sure you say hello on the day!

<font size="1">1981 2L FHC Cavalry Blue - very original & not rusty!
1980 3.5L V8 DHC Regency Red - on the road again.</font id="size1">

John Clancy
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Postby John Clancy » 08 Apr 2008 08:07

John, here's a task for you! But first of all I'm sorry to read of negative comments on another Triumph forum. We don't tend to get much of that on here which is probably a testament to the success of the site and the camaraderie of the members. After all, to own and run (or attempt to run in many cases!) a TR7 we have something special in common, regardless of where we are in the world. So don't let anyone posting anonymously on another forum get you down.

But now for your task... as you're going to be shooting some video I'd like some nice shots of some Triumph Stags please! Obviously don't miss any wedges doing the rounds but some nice footage of Stags could do wonders in the present 'CODE NAME: STAG' project. I'm learning a lot doing this and I never realized quite the effect the Stag experience at Triumph had on the TR7. Thanks to the Stag us TR7 owners don't suffer from overheating and blown head gaskets! Well, that was the theory anyway!

<center><b>[url=""]Buy the story of the Triumph TR7/8 on DVD here[/url]</b></center>

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Postby john » 08 Apr 2008 16:17

No problem John as a matter of fact i have a very Knowledgeable guy who has a small unit on a farm just down the road from me,

Rallyn Motors
Hollygrove Farm, Upper Northam Drive, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire SO30 4BG
Tel: 023 8047 7938

He's been restoring and driving Stags for oooooooooh lets say a long time [:D] as i say he's a very chatty guy and owns two or three of the damn things. give him a call if it's any help. just tell him the guy with the Black TR7 that disapeared down his way some time ago gave you his name.

I gave him a dvd of the 1989 new forest run which he remembered for nowt so he owes you a story or two

and for anyone interested i think he has a restored car for sale and a good shell if you wanna do it yourself

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


Rust Hunter
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Postby XSeries » 20 Apr 2008 17:35

A TRuly splendid day. I hope everyone else enjoyed the run around Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire as much as my two children did! They are really enthusiastic and want to go again next year (26th April 2009!)
It was good to have a memorable mix of Triumphs on a (reasonably) fine day.

TR Tony
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Postby TR Tony » 20 Apr 2008 18:10

It was indeed a grand day out[:)]

Great route, well organised & marshalled, the weather was very pleasant & in the informal judging afterwards my FHC was pipped at the post for best TR7/8 by Johns Grinnall V8[:0] I was robbed - nice trophy John[:D]

Very nice to put a few more names to faces as well, many thanks to Brian for showing me round his TR8 development car - fascinating to see the mix n' match of parts BL were trying out.

If you didn't make it this year then put it in your diary for next year!

<font size="1">1981 2L FHC Cavalry Blue - very original & not rusty!
1980 3.5L V8 DHC Regency Red - on the road again.</font id="size1">

John Clancy
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Postby John Clancy » 21 Apr 2008 09:13

Did you get any video John?

<center><b>[url=""]Buy the story of the Triumph TR7/8 on DVD here[/url]</b></center>

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Postby john » 21 Apr 2008 22:04

well i gotta confession to make John it was the excitement of my Birthday and the lovely weather and and well i got some video of the run but ummmmmmm i forgot to make a special effort to get lots of Stag footage but don't give up on me yet we've got a couple more meets with the stags in the near future and i promise to make a special effort

Please don't sack me yet guv gis another chance [V]

more confessions xseries Brian i didn't realise that was you [:D] from the same Local Club doh!

and TRTony [8D] not just Tony but TRTony my new partner in crime down here on the South coast. sorry i won but you can never tell how the crowd will vote maybe the fact i told everyone it was my birthday helped [:D][}:)] last year they voted for originality, obviously not this year eh.

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


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Postby john » 22 Apr 2008 06:30

and here is the video from the day


[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


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