Postby Hasbeen » 21 Aug 2019 00:58
There is a great business opportunity for someone in the UK to offer recharging of struts.
Here in Brisbane Oz [population about 3,000,000]we have at least 3 companies offering either strut recharging from a premises, or mobile recharging from a van. The company I have used have 4 vans doing mobile recharging, & are very busy.
Recharging is very simple. It requires a high pressure air pump, & a strong pressure vessel long enough to fit the strut & a sealing cap. To recharge a strut, simply put it in the chamber, & seal. Pump the chamber up to the required pressure, hold for a few minutes, then remove, the job is done. Ours require the highest pressure mu bloke has done.
The design of the seal in the strut allows the pressure in, & keeps it there. In the 17 years I have had my 7 I have had the struts recharged twice, & they need charging again soon, so a charge lasts about 5 or 7 years in old original struts.