Postby johnnyj » 06 Apr 2019 19:59
Hi everyone
Here's an update on the "location of the fuel delay relay debate". I was at Robsport today and they had a very rusty yellow FHC parked up (interestingly, with a very similar registration/licence plate number to mine, and the same year). A cursory peek under the bonnet and I found the fuel delay unit right there, in the engine bay as per my car.
So, for the benefit of future visitors seeking enlightenment on the same topic (and originality) it would appear the unit was at some stage fitted there at the factory, before being moved some time later to inside the car on the instrument pack. Mystery solved?
Sorry, I just can't get photos to upload at the moment. Will keep trying.
09/04/19 edit - still can't attach photos, no matter how much I re-size them.
11/04/19 edit - hurrah! The site now accepts photos. Many thanks to whoever fixed this glitch.
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