My TR7 is registered as a 1980 car. It is a 2 liters, 5 speed convertible with the speedometer in kms only. The plate on the door reports the following:
Built date: June 1979
Ident #: TCT 110207 UMF
Paint: HAE
Trim: CAAA
So, from what I can gather:
T = Canley built
C = TR7 /8
T = North American Convertible
The 6 numbers are the body number
U = North American Specs
M = ????
F = 5 speeds
Paint HAE = Brooklands Green
Trim CAAA = Beige cloth interior.
My questions are:
1. Why is the meaning of the "M" in the VIN number?
2. Is Brooklands Green like an off white green color?
3. Is the speedometer in kms only means that the car was built especially for the Canadian market ?