
TR7 door glass installation

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby nick » 18 Nov 2014 23:13

Took the door glass out of both doors before a respray. Now I am finding it near impossible to get the glass back in. The screwy thing is I have done this once before successfully. But this time I'm stumped. The repair manual isn't that much help.

Has anyone found the successful sequence for this job? After about 3 hours my hands are skinned and my patience has run out.

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby FI Spyder » 18 Nov 2014 23:48

On the DHC or the coupe? Different techniques.

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby Hasbeen » 19 Nov 2014 04:01

I can't remember that much, it was that long ago, since I mucked with one, but I do recall I had to have the window, & the mechanism up at about 2/3 or 3/4 closed to get the rollers in reasonably easily-----I think.


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TR7 door glass installation

Postby gregory » 19 Nov 2014 06:10

Hi Nick,
I recently put a new regulator in my dhc, you need a friend to support the glass, spray WD40 down the runners and put the glass in.
One point my car has the end brackets missing ,so try removing them, as for the regulator, there are three plastic knobs, put the left one on the runner first, the right one next, turn the winder handle to do this and finally put the white one on.


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TR7 door glass installation

Postby parrish » 19 Nov 2014 08:19

Did this job myself not so long ago when i replaced the channel rubbers and mechanism(make sure you put new channel rubbers in before you fit window, well worth doing and cheap)
Yes a two man job, i did manage a one man job by using wide masking tape to hold the window in the door whilst i manipulated the mechanism best not to have the regulator fixed to the frame until after you have fitted the horizontal runners into the window lower metal channel.
PS: i also suffered the skinned knuckles!

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby MikeRotherham » 19 Nov 2014 10:51

Hello Nick,

I made a few notes when I replaced the window winder on my FHC hope they may be some use. ... C_ID=20318



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TR7 door glass installation

Postby nick » 19 Nov 2014 18:21

Thanks to everyone who responded. Mike, your step by step instructions turned on the light bulb for me. The idea of clamping the window freed up a hand since am working alone. And then the regulator sequence you outlined turned on the second bulb.

The problem I was having was I could not get the white regulator coaster to go into the rear of the door track. So I assumed it must go in from the front of the track. But each time I tried, one or the other of the two other coasters would fall off of the window track. Finally I realized that the PO had pinched the rear end of door track narrowing the slot which prevented the coaster from going in. Once I opened it up the regulator coaster went into the door track without a problem. So one window down and one to go.

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby dsfarrell » 02 Jul 2017 21:25

I know this is old.. But is there anyone that can get into the old site and paste in Mike's instructions please?

Thanks David

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Re: Door glass installation

Postby MikeRotherham » 04 Jul 2017 11:53

Hi David, (dsfarrell)

I've PM'd you

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Re: Door glass installation

Postby simps » 06 Jul 2017 22:53

Sorry to jump in, please could I have a copy too?

I've got new guides and felts to fit and I'm not looking forward to it!

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Re: Door glass installation

Postby MikeRotherham » 07 Jul 2017 10:00

I've pasted the notes I made whilst doing mine, hope they help.

To remove the window winder assembly

Wind window to the top and clamp in place with a couple of G clamps and some thick cloths to protect the glass.

Remove the handle and door card. Try not to turn the handle mechanism so that it will still line up correctly when reassembling.

Remove the 4 bolts, spring washers and flat washers holding the mechanism to the door.

Push the mechanism into the door and push the assembly to the rear of the door and disengage the white roller from the rear of the channel attached to the inner door.

Push the assembly to the front of the door disengaging the rear black roller from the front of the rear channel attached at the bottom of the glass then the front black roller from the front of the front channel.

Close the moving arm of the assembly so that moving arm and main assembly are lined up to ease removal from the door.

Remove the assembly from the lower door aperture by tilting the top of the handle end (the bit with teeth) way from you and remove from the door, bottom of the handle end first.

Withdraw the rest of the assembly from the door.

Replacing window winder assembly

Insert narrow end of winder assembly into lower door aperture and tilt the top of the handle end away from you and place the handle end into the door cavity, top first, followed by the bottom.

Lower the handle end and at the time raise the moving arm in a sort of scissor action so that the black roller on the moving arm and the black roller on the end of the main assembly move toward each other. Using this scissor action locate the front black roller (the black roller on the moving arm) on the front of the front channel of the glass.

Carefully slide the front black roller toward the rear of the door so that you can engage the rear black roller (the black roller on the narrow end of the main assembly) on the front of the rear channel of the glass. You have to do this bit by feel as vision is limited.

Carefully continue to slide both black rollers, that are now engaged in their respective channels, toward the rear of the door and at the same time raise the handle end of the winding assembly.
Slide the assembly so that the white roller can be engaged on the rear of the channel attached to the inside of the door. You may need another pair of hands to lower the door glass at this point but I managed it with the glass clamped at the top of the door.

Slide the whole assembly toward the front of the door and pull the handle assembly through the winder hole and hopefully the 4 bolt holes will line up with the holes in the door. If they are a bit off put the winder handle on the shaft and adjust the positioning

Replace the 4 bolts, spring washers and flat washers.

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Re: Door glass installation

Postby simps » 10 Jul 2017 22:20

Great Stuff,

Thanks very much :)

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TR7 door glass installation

Postby stricky » 15 Apr 2020 16:28

Just wanted to say thanks for the instructions Mike it helped me immensely today :D so THANKS !
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