Today, I went to start up my girl and she was really rough when starting for a bit. With the choke out, she would cut out after a few seconds. Nothing would stop her cutting out at the start, choke, gas, praying, nothing. So finally, I got her started (running rough) and I looked around the engine bay while trying to feed her gas from the carb linkage. I noticed a constant spark towards the back of the block near the gearbox. The spade connector in the picture below was touching the block and sparking.
I am not sure what this cable/connector is for, but I think it may be to do with the dizzy and the old points, which is no longer being used as I have an electronic ignition. Now I have a female connector on it to stop it from touching the block until I know what it is for.
Does anyone know what this wire is for and where it goes?