Postby Hasbeen » 06 May 2017 05:40
Trsforever your tank breather should stop the tank pressuring. I thought NZ had the same US anti pollution system as we in Oz. In that case your tank should breath through the vapour separator, into the charcoal canister. I suggest you check these bits, if you still have them. Any blockage in them could cause the flooding you experienced.
As for your theory of flooding float bowls weeping into the carbs & into the sump, I would think that is correct, & is what is likely. Of course the drain hole in the pump could be blocked, so a split diaphragm could then leak into the sump.
Johnrip the engine can run very nicely with mildly flooding carbs, as the engine can use the fuel at a great rate than the weep, when it is only mild. When a 7 is hard to start when hot it can often be down to the carb flooding after the engine is shut down, due to residual fuel pressure in the line.
I recently overhauled the fuel lift pump in a 1950 Fordson Major tractor. I won't guarantee it, but from memory the replacement diaphragm for it looked to be the same as those in the 7s petrol pump. As the overhaul kit was A$15, & a replacement pump is A$145 here, I'll be buying a kit to check this, if I ever have a pump problem in a 7 again.
Check your fuel pressure. The pumps sold here as replacement can supply up to 4 PSI, & both our SUs, & your Zenith carbs don't like more than 2 PSI. The pump is spaced off the block with phenolic spacers of different thicknesses to reduce the pressure down to the 2 psi required. These are often lost when people muck with their pumps.