Postby FI Spyder » 30 Jul 2015 15:15
There are a couple of options to 35+ year old wiring.
Option 1 (best): Take out old wiring, (remove wraps) set out on board.
Copy wiring length for length with new (using original colour code if possible both for originality but more for ease of following a wiring diagram) using modern sealed connectors.
Option 2: Use modern sealed connectors on existing wiring (this will shorten the length a little if you have it and will not work for all wires).
Option 3: Where accessible solder crimped connectors for extra support, good continuity.
I have used option 3 on the one wiring failure I've had, a 12 volt supply (red/white) wire in the centre console that took out the dash lights (until I found it). I pried open the crimped connector, soldered wire to it, recrimped on insulation.
You can buy wiring looms but are pricey and doing it yourself is a good winter project and help you understand your car better if you are in to that sort of thing.
- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 2013 Volt - Yellow TCT