
Diesel TR7

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john 215
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Postby john 215 » 12 Dec 2014 05:29


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Century Gothic, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><font size="3"><font color="red">The car was more likely used as a test bed for the new diesel engine than a potential production TR7 Diesel.</font id="red"></font id="size3"><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Yeah that would be my guess too, other than the Ital ( as a remodelled Marina very long in the tooth by then ) and the SD1 ( too big ?? for a 2 litre? diesel engine given the technology at the time ) they didn't have any other RWD car's to do this with. The front wheel drives would taken a hell of a lot of re-engineering as up to the Maestro they all had there gearboxes in the sump.

We had a Montego come in years before the K series was released with one of those fitted, it was overheating !! a taste of things to come you could say !

Cheers John

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1982 2.0 DHC NOW A 4.6, BUILT NOT BROUGHT !!!!

FI Spyder
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Postby FI Spyder » 12 Dec 2014 14:11

I have a nephew that lives in California that has a Mercedes station wagon. He goes over to Europe several times a year on business and has a condo on Lake Como and rents cars when he's over there. He said the cars over there (even same models) are not like the ones we get here. In Europe the are more powerful (responsive) and get better fuel mileage. Must be an emissions thing (still).

- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 1991 Integra - Yellow TCT

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Postby john » 20 Dec 2014 07:57

Ha ha Nobody told Alfa that the idea was to get more MPG out of their diesel engines over the petrol My Brera is responsive no doubt smooth and quite on motorways, even has a sweet exhaust note when on regen

But it doesn't have the roar of the Grinnal tunnels and bridges just don't have the same appeal.

And before you say no it hasn't broke down and no it hasn't rusted out yet! [:D]

SO why did I not go for the 3.2 petrol Brera 16mpg v 29mpg lol as a daily driver is just manageable maximum I have out of it is 38mpg but that was a very long run and no stopping

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1982 Persian Aqua FHC = sold ;-(
1981 Black FHC - Sold
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


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Postby Odd » 20 Dec 2014 17:39

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Century Gothic, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"> Brera as a daily driver is just manageable
maximum I have out of it is 38mpg but that was a very long run and no stopping <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> I've gotten something like 52.15 mpUKg out of my '12 Passat tdi DSG Estate over a very long run,
1313km/816mi - on one tank... [8D] [I was almost running out of road - next would have been a
forced stop for a ferry crossing. Fortunately the tank ran dry first... [:p] ]

I for one wouldn't mind one bit to stuff an Iceberg into my '8, if I could find one
- but the truth is LR stopped that development much to early. [:(]

Image <font color="red"><b>My two 1980 Wedges...</b></font id="red">

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Postby busheytrader » 21 Dec 2014 10:42

Even with today's falling petrol prices It would make me wince to run my 7V8 on a daily basis. I'm lucky that what was a 2.0L daily driver back in the day is a 3.5L fun car now. Unfortunately Its had less use than usual lately.

I remember the yellow 7 that S&S had with the Rover 2.0L fuel injected engine in it years ago. At the risk of being a heretic I wonder what a 7 would be like with a 2.0L MX5 engine and gearbox in it, if they fit. 50% more power, revving past 5k, better fuel consumption. Off for a cold shower now.

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TR7 V8 DHC Jaguar Solent Blue. 9.35cr Range Rover V8, Holley 390cfm, JWR Dual Port, 214 Cam, Lumention, Tubular Manifolds, S/S Single Pipe Exh, 3.08 Rear, 200lb Spax & PolyBushes all round, Anti- Dive, Strut-Top Roller Bearings, Capri Vented Discs & Calipers, Braided Hoses, 4 Speed Rear Cylinders, Uprated Master Cylinder & Servo, AT 14" 5 Spokes or Maestro Turbo 15" Alloys, Cruise Lights, S/S Heater Pipes, Replacement Fuel Tank. No Door Stickers. Mine since July 1986, V8 from 1991 courtesy of S&S V8 conversion kit (built not bought) and big brake kit.

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Postby Maxwell » 21 Dec 2014 11:49

I have a Mazda 1.8 on an 03-plate with an LSD.
Not excessively fast but a joy to drive on a daily basis.
Cabin is smaller than the TR7, and the chrome roll-over hoops impede driving straight-arm but a small price to pay!
Often think about the practicability of having a body-swap... like getting one with shorter arms!

Maxwell [:D]

2.0 TR7 FHC \ Current
1.8 Mazda MX5 \ Current

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