Once every one or two years the car wouldn't start with the relay at the fuse box clicking or nothing at all when the key is turned. I've always got it going for another year by spraying the connector block with electrical contact cleaner. In previous years I've taken the relay apart and it looked brand new in there.
It happened yesterday. I cleaned the block with contact cleaner and this time for the first time there was no change. I had carefully cleaned it in August with a tiny brush meant to clean teeth (like dental floss) figuring I got it good this time. I checked the new battery (2 months old) and it was 12.6 volts. I threw the 2 amp battery charger on it and in a short time it went into maintenance mode so it was OK. I pulled off the front heavy brown wires on the connector block and they were still clean and greased. I previously had a drain problem with graphite spray in the Integra's key lock causing a vampire drain and I don't know if I had done it (sprayed graphite) to the TR7 or not. I sprayed silicone in the key lock and it started right up. Went into town with 4 stops and everything is OK. Did the weak point in the electrical change from the connector block to the key switch? Time will tell.
- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 1991 Integra - Yellow TCT