
Remove and refit window winder mechanism

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Remove and refit window winder mechanism

Postby MikeRotherham » 15 Apr 2014 06:57

Below are a few notes I made when removing and refitting my driver's side window winder mechanism. I thought someone could use them as a guide when they come to do this job

Wind window to the top and clamp in place with a couple of G clamps and some thick cloths to protect the glass.

Remove the handle and door card. Try not to turn the handle mechanism so that it will still line up correctly when reassembling.

Remove the 4 bolts, spring washers and flat washers holding the mechanism to the door.

Push the mechanism into the door and push the assembly to the rear of the door and disengage the white roller from the rear of the channel attached to the inner door.

Push the assembly to the front of the door disengaging the rear black roller from the front of the rear channel attached at the bottom of the glass then the front black roller from the front of the front channel.

Close the moving arm of the assembly so that moving arm and main assembly are lined up to ease removal from the door.

Remove the assembly from the lower door aperture by tilting the top of the handle end (the bit with teeth) way from you and remove from the door, bottom of the handle end first.

Withdraw the rest of the assembly from the door.

To replace window winder assembly:

Insert narrow end of winder assembly into lower door aperture and tilt the top of the handle end away from you and place the handle end into the door cavity, top first, followed by the bottom.

Lower the handle end and at the same time raise the moving arm in a sort of scissor action so that the black roller on the moving arm and the black roller on the end of the main assembly move toward each other. Using this scissor action locate the front black roller (the black roller on the moving arm) on the front of the front channel of the glass.

Carefully slide the front black roller toward the rear of the door so that you can engage the rear black roller (the black roller on the narrow end of the main assembly) on the front of the rear channel of the glass. You have to do this bit by feel as vision is limited.

Carefully continue to slide both black rollers, that are now engaged in their respective channels, toward the rear of the door and at the same time raise the handle end of the winding assembly.
Slide the assembly so that the white roller can be engaged on the rear of the channel attached to the inside of the door. You may need another pair of hands to lower the door glass at this point but I managed it with the glass clamped at the top of the door.

Slide the whole assembly toward the front of the door and pull the handle assembly through the winder hole and hopefully the 4 bolt holes will line up with the holes in the door. If they are a bit off put the winder handle on the shaft and adjust the positioning

Replace the 4 bolts, spring washers and flat washers..

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Postby silverseven » 16 Apr 2014 00:29

thanks for the submission Mike!1


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Postby Az7fan » 03 May 2014 21:30

I was linked here from the TWOA Facebook page. It was a great set of instructions. Had never done before but made it though with only a couple of nicks.[:)] Only thing I did different was that I used blue painter's tape to hold the windows in the up position. I also replaced the bushing material around the crank stem. I found a toilet bushing that I adapted with a box cutter and super glued it in. All back together. Thanks. Awesome tutorial…...

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Re: Remove and refit window winder mechanism

Postby dursleyman » 13 May 2015 00:05

Thanks Mike, your guide was very helpful doing my window winders recently. Little things like how to get the new winder back into the door was so easy when someone else has done it first.

1981 TR7 Sprint DHC & 1977 TR7 Sprint FHC

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