I have been outside and like Oates...I was gone for some time...My windscreen wipers were a touch creaky and shall we say somewhat intermittant...but they worked...
I removed same and WD40'd them vigourously and they have improved, clearly they though need a full strip down etc...But what of my Winscreen washers...Oh dear oh dear...the jet, despite its tortuous, serpentine route, just about reaches the screen...with a cough and a splutter...If It was human...it's be down at Dr Jellyfingers as we speak, having the old Bend down, touch your toes let's see which way the wild goose goes, Prostate examination...It is that weak, the plastic pipes seem OK the filter isn't blocked, the pump "looks" new...any thoughts..is there a Super Whizzo mega-powerful torrent-streamer pump available?