I feel like I've won the lottery, well almost.
When I found my front tyres were almost 8 years old, I started thinking about replacements. I was worried about wheel wobble, as none of the places I have used for on car balancing still do it. Mostly they don't have an operator. Still, they would not sell me their balancer, as they use it for something else, or they had scrapped it when it stopped working.
Balancing was going to be a worry, unless I was very lucky.
I tried a little one man tyre shop in my local town, I had never tried before. Yes he had an on car balancer, but he didn't work it. The bloke who did retired about 5 years ago, & with not much use for it, he hadn't bothered with it. It was under an inch or so dust in the corner.
No I couldn't use it, his insurance wouldn't cover it.
Yes he'd sell it to me. YAHOO!!!
It is an Prestige model, the large sit on model. They cost about $10.000 today, & are 3 month delivery, or were a year ago when I enquired about a new one.
It has not worked for about 5 years, so I'm taking a chance on it, but at $500 it is worth it.
Sorry I'm too far away from all of you to fix your wobbles for you, but my 7 is going to run smmmooothly, with no wobble. Of course I'll balance the wheels for any close enough to bring their car to me.
Christmas has come early for old Hasbeen.