To find the previous owners - fill in a V888 & sent 5 pounds to get all from the DVLA. ... quest.aspx
Release of another vehicle’s keeper details
You can obtain the name and address of the registered keeper of another vehicle if you can demonstrate ‘reasonable cause’ for needing the information. Before information is released the DVLA must consider the reasons for your request and how the information will be used. Failure to provide the necessary evidence or incomplete application forms will result in your application being rejected.
More about 'reasonable cause'
Note; it’s an offence to unlawfully obtain personal data that’s contrary to Section 55 of the Data Protection Act 1998. Unlimited fines in the Crown Court (or to a maximum of £5,000 in the Magistrates Court) exist as penalties in respect of these offences.
There are three forms that can be used to request information. You should use the appropriate form depending on who you are and your reasons for asking for information and also read the notes for guidance carefully before answering all the necessary questions:
•the V888 - for members of the public
•the V888/2 - request for information by a business
•the V888/3 - request for information for those who issue a parking charge notice
All car parking companies who require vehicle keeper details to contact drivers, who may have failed to comply with conditions for parking, have to provide evidence that a parking charge scheme is in operation and they are acting on behalf of the landowner. Companies have to confirm that they are members of an Accredited Trade Associate which has a mandatory code of practice that all members must adhere to.
The required fee
The fee for vehicle keeper information at a specific date of event is £2.50. If further information is required e.g. a copy of a document or additional keeper information, a fee of £5.00 is required per vehicle. The fee is payable to cover the costs of providing the information.
Where to send your application
Once the form is completed send it with any necessary documents to:
Vehicles Fee Paying Enquiry Section
SA99 1AJ