Well, Friends, it has been a little more than a few days....
Thank you all for your calls, texts, emails, messages and posts.
John was, as many of you know, a great friend to me.
We first chatted soon after I wrecked my Spidey on a car run in September of 2009 as he sold the decals that Spidey would need after repairs and repaint.
(Come to think of it, several other friendships grew from that catastrophic event--so, in hindsight it was a blessing!)
In any case, we emailed and called regularly.
Our first meeting was when he came out for Triumphest 2010 in Del Mar, CA. I returned the favor and attended a car show with him in Sussex, WI.
His gorgeous Spider won First in Class AND People's Choice.
He was so thrilled and I was privileged to share that day with him! Several LBC car show trips followed.
In many instances, car friends would refer to him as my husband![:I] I can see that as we had so much in common and seemingly were often together at these events!
For those of you that have known me here awhile, it is safe to say John was a "Subhub"
--and yes, sometimes, he would drive me nuts!
You know I say that with much love in my heart. [:X] Our last car trip together was the ATDI in Forest Grove, OR.
He had such a great time (as did I).
Seeing John Mangan (cant remember his logon name) again,
and meeting Dan (Whitenviro) and Ken (Last TR) were the highlight of this trip.
It was all he talked about the next morning.
Like me, John thought the cars were fantastic, but the people were AWESOME!
oh!Let's not forget about the registry...
At some point, Forum Member, Scott Crawford (GSC Reno) had brought up the idea of beginning a registry.
John and I discussed this possibility and shortly after that he created the Spider Registry.
He loved finding new cars to add and his excitement was contagious! He also was the Spider Registrar for the TWOA.
Spiders were his passion.
In fact, his current Spider was his 3rd one!
As Randy, rgsSpider, said to me in an email, John "was the champion of our cause."
My fingers are crossed that Randy take this torch and continue the registry.
Surprise, Randy! [8D]
What exactly happened is not quite clear and his family still awaits a final report.
I spoke to John Saturday night.
I mentioned it was still early and that he should go grab some dinner and a beer with his best friend and that we would talk on Sunday after church...the call never came in.
I sent him a good morning text and within 5 minutes his family called me.
Here is what they are thinking: It seems that John went out with his friend, returned home and was going to spend a little time on the computer.
He often did this in a camp chair just outside of his garage. Investigators are speculating he may not have felt well and began going into his home.
He collapsed on the two steps leading into the house. He hit his head as he went unconscious and it left a horrible bruise. [V]
When investigators called me, they shared that they believed John passed out and died with no suffering.
Initial autopsy results show that his heart was a bit enlarged, but the greater issue had something to do with a valve in his heart.
He had mentioned to me a few weeks before the ATDI trip that he had been feeling woozy, but at his physical in late July, he made no mention of it to his doctor.
I wish he would have.
Not sure if it is a guy thing to minimize health issues, but please, make sure you don't do that! Sigh...
We had plans to go to Triumphest and meet up with Clay, John Mangan, and I had mentioned Dan might show up.
Now, I just can't make the trip.
I will go next year, but this year is just too tough.
Sorry to go on and on. It is still tough.
I can't talk/think/type about it without crying.
Tough to say Goodbye to one of my best Wedgiepals. --Monica