my std 2.0L 5sp car has a vibration above 50/60mph when I ease slight off teh accelertor or am on a slight hill gradient. The vibration definitley seems to coming from e rear and is accompanied with a clearly heard drone sound. Initially I thought it was a rear whel bearing. I took it my local mechanic who does some classic work (most Fords). He drove it and excluded wheel bearing and thought initially imbalance in prop shaft. However, when he put on a ramp the prop shaft was solid but he noticed movement in the pinnion shaft in differential. He said we would do soem hoemwork to see what to do next - I said I would do the same.
Does this make sense and it so is a repair possible or a case of a completely new axle which at first look seems very expensive. Also any ideas how long car can run as is, before things become terminal?
Any helpful input appreciated, J
1979 FHC pageant blue
1981 DHC triton green