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Rear Diff

Posted: 25 Apr 2008 19:08
by colonel bogey
Well i've taken the plunge and taken the rear diff off today,as it was making lots of whining noises and an awfull lot of backlash in it(some serious clunking going on)
I've also helped top up the holiday fund for Simon at Robsport,should see the diff middle of next week.
Will do some cleaning and painting while i'm waiting.
When i got the diff out & cleaned up it was then i remembered "I was gonna take some photo's of it all" sods law really!! [B)]
Will keep you all informed.


'76 TR7 FHC Auto Java Green
"Colonel Bogey"

Posted: 25 Apr 2008 19:18
by ngtf
Hey big fella, I thought you were collecting the diff tomorrow??

Let me know if you want/need help.

See you soon


Eeyore rides again !!
EOR14W - Persian Aqua 2L Dhc, Now rebuilt and looking lovely - Sprint engine being prepared!

Posted: 25 Apr 2008 19:28
by colonel bogey
Hi Gary,
Robsport didn't have one in stock,i would have an auto - different ratio an all that.
But hey,should be good weather tomorrow & i can paint my brake drums,do some more waxoyling & rebuild a fuel pump for a friends Jago Geep [^][^][:)]


'76 TR7 FHC Auto Java Green
"Colonel Bogey"