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Under Bonnet Frame rust

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 11:58
by UKPhilTR7
<font color="green"><b>Under the frame of one of my bonnets, there seems to be some rust forming. I can treat the beit that I can see, but for the bits in between the frame and the bonnet itself does anyone know of any good stuff to use to treat this rust or have you had experience of using products for such a task.
My usual product POR15 can not be used as I can not take the skin away from the frame to treat it. I have had a look on frost and they sell this Has anyone used this before?</b></font id="green">

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 13:35
by Odd
My entire TR8 is treated with Dinol products - and the Dinol has made its way into most places where it's wanted
(and some places where it wasn't wanted - but that was easy to clean). These products are intended for rust proofing
in advance, after painting but before any rust have formed, and it makes a jolly good job at that.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 15:20
by Rblackadar
I don't know what you guys have over there but I was told some of the Waxoyl and Dinotrol products can creep into the seams where rust festers and stops it or at least slows it down. On the hood though my only concern is the flammability. You might have to wait a while for all the flammable stuff to flash off before heating the engine area up.