Thanks for all the info, guys..
JClay, the car is stranded in my father in law's garage, so no telling when I can get over there to shoot a pic - I looked thru all the pics I have shot already and the alt isn't in any of them.. If I can ever catch him at home, and get over there, I'll shoot one.. thanks JClay..
RAC - that's an interesting idea, and I do recall reading some posts on that conversion a long time ago.. Seems like most mods were in the support brackets, etc.. but can't remember completely.. Yeah if its not too much trouble, please post or email the info -
Thanks RAC
Rich - I made some calls locally, but nobody in this area rebuilds alts.. its a two horse town, so that doesn't surprise me! Thanks for the idea, tho.. that would be the way to go, if the town would cooperate! Thanks Rich
Haven't ordered anything yet, but certainly don't mind checking out all the different options.. thanks again, everybody..
Son of a .... THATS gonna leave a mark!