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Much ado about nothing....

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 03:13
by mb4tim

She made it home!! Twice!!!

After finding nobody that could text my alternator or coil. I decided to trace all the wires under the hood that have anything to do with ignition and charging, clean them and check them with a meter and/or test light.

Fired that mutha up, and cruised up and down the street. Hit it easy, hit it hard... and she kept on going!

To the park (right behind my house) and back! This time, with no catastrophe! They neighbor and I played with the timing light, but decided is was a novel idea since we couldn't see the timing mark on the crank pulley-so we'll save that for another day.

Couple hours later, to the park and back again. Still no catastrophe!

Here's the street legal list:<ul>
<li>One brake light out </li><li>steering column bushing</li><li>back window replaced</li><li>replace/repair exhaust</li>
Here's the list to drive it:<ul>
<li>seat covers</li><li>passenger door mirror - anyone got a black one?</li><li>install radio</li><li>fix rattling window in passenger door</li><li>clean it!</li><li>clean it!</li><li>clean it!</li>

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 20:16
by fiveliters
Tim-I'm majorly proud of you! I remember seeing that car on eBay,wanting it,then after you got it and I saw it in person, thinking "boy,am I glad I <i></i>didn't<i></i> get that-half of the engine was in the trunk! But you managed to throw it back together and get it on the road and not give up on it like the previous owner(s) BTW,is the brake light just a bulb,or is it the entire cluster?

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 21:30
by mb4tim
I'm sure it's just a bulb, but the reverse lights are out, too. Let's hope it's bulbs there, too.

You are still storing my Acura wheels on your car, right? [;)]


Posted: 16 Oct 2007 00:31
by Hasbeen
Tim, since I replaced the clutch, in my 7, the reversing lights have
not worked, unless I hold the gear stick hard over in the reverse
possition. As soon as I let it go, the lights go out.

Obviously the reverse light switch needs adjusting. Having
ascertained that my problem is only a simple 5 minute adjustment,
I can now do it at my leisure. I have promised myself that I will do
it next time I have the car up on the ramps

The fact that I changed the clutch 14 months ago, & have done 4 oil
changes since then, says more about my memory, than my willingness
to work on my car.

Just check the adjustment on the switch, before you spend too much
time chasing wiring falts.


Posted: 16 Oct 2007 01:12
by FI Spyder
The rattling window is probably the rear window guide rubber has fallen out of the rear guide. It is just pressed in and seems to fall out easily. Both of mine were laying in the bottom of the door. Heard the same from others. I've contact cemented mine in.

Posted: 17 Oct 2007 19:40
by fiveliters
When I took the Acura wheels off of the 75 to put on the 80, it developed a complex and now it won't start! (See?) If I were to give you the wheels,then my 80 would develop a similar mental health issue. So in the interest of keeping it happy and sane,I have to leave them on there,sorry![:o)] Not sure how your weather's been down there,but if we keep getting the cold weather,the hardtop is going on!

Posted: 17 Oct 2007 21:44
by mb4tim
It's been warm.. It will change to snow as soon as my car is ready for the road!
