Postby Hasbeen » 06 Oct 2007 10:56
John, I've been through this twice with my 7s.
It is only the front 2 inches, of the bottom of the tank, that rusts.
If you look in to the tank it looks perfect, as the rest will still
be covered with a grey paint/coating, of some kind.
You can get the silt out to the stage that a cheep, inline, filter
will last a thousand Km, or more, before getting restricted.
To do so, jack one back corner up at least a 6" higher than the
other side, & 12" higher than the front & flush, sucking with a
siphon hose, from the low front corner. I used the same 16 liters of
petrol, 3 times, straining it between uses.
I got 2 egg cups of dirt, & half a liter of dirty, greasy water. I
think the water had absorbed my upper cylinder lubricant. The tank
was then useable, & lasted about 3 months, before a pin hole rusted
through from the inside.
A large self tapping screw in the hole, held that leak for the month
or so it took for the second, & then third rust hole to appear. At
that stage I decided to do the job properly.
When I removed the tank, & cut it open, I found the narrow strip of
rust, along the front, of the bottom, about 2.5 inches wide. The
rest of the tank was as new. I gas welded a strip in, to replace the
rusty bit, & gave the tank a POR 15 tank treatment. That was over
4 years ago, & I have had no further trouble.
With the things you Brits can do with rusty cars, it would be a snap
for you.
Have fun, Hasbeen