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Indicator Fault

Posted: 09 Aug 2024 21:23
by simps
Good evening

I have an off issue with indicators, the right side (front and rear) will not light or flash, either using the indicator stalk or the hazard switch

The left work perfectly, I can hear both flasher units working and the dash tell takes light properly

Front and rear sidelights work OK which suggests that earths at that end are ok too

I have swapped the hazard switch for a known good one with no noticeable effect. I have broken and cleaned the multi plug in the centre of the dash

Open to suggestions, please

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 10 Aug 2024 09:07
by Cobber
Check for a bad earth, and check the bulb holders aren’t corroded and the bulbs haven’t shat themselves.
Once you’ve done that you should establish that current is getting through to the lights using a test probe.
If not then trace back until you find the problem

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 10 Aug 2024 18:08
by HDRider
Could be the indicator swith. Try powering the lights from the connector in the wiring harness by the steering column.

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 11 Aug 2024 02:29
by Cobber
Yeah the indicator switches in these things are rubbish, unable to handle the current running through them, I had one shit itself and when I replaced it with a brand new one, that only lasted a few minutes before that too shat itself, when I fitted the replacement of the replacement. I came up with a way of wiring relays into the system to protect the flimsy electrical contacts of the indicator switch, from the current loads involved, some 20 years later my indicators have worked well without any further problems......sorted!
I can't remember how I achieved this after all these years, so you're on your own if you'd like to emulate this, even my auto electrician mate had a problem getting his head around how I did this, but he eventually made sense of my complicated reasoning and agreed that it was an improvement.
At least now you now know it is possible.

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 11 Aug 2024 15:48
by Rich K
Hi, agree with all the above. Check earths, bulbs and bulb holders.
On my 1980 car the indicator flasher unit is situated before the indicator stalk switch in the circuit, therefore if your flasher unit is clicking and indicator lamps work on one side of the car, I would suspect that there is maybe a problem with the indicator switch. Try cleaning the relevant contacts in the switch with some fine wet and dry paper and contact cleaner spray.

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 13 Aug 2024 15:47
by FI Spyder
When cleaning any contacts I cringe when I hear cleaning with sandpaper. Any contacts that are accessible like the contacts in dash switches etc. I use Brasso (not sure if it is available world wide). It takes off the oxide but doesn't touch the base material. So gentle you can even use it on the copper lands on the dash circuit board. Rub on, rub off (with damp cloth). For those contacts that are less accessible like pins and their holders, or sockets, I use electrical cleaner from a spray can, for the female holders, work it with things like pipe cleaners or the tiny round brushes you can sometimes find at the dollar store. I always add a thin film of dielectric grease so they don't recorrode.

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 13 Aug 2024 18:26
by Cobber
FI Spyder wrote:When cleaning any contacts I cringe when I hear cleaning with sandpaper. Any contacts that are accessible like the contacts in dash switches etc. I use Brasso (not sure if it is available world wide). It takes off the oxide but doesn't touch the base material. So gentle you can even use it on the copper lands on the dash circuit board. Rub on, rub off (with damp cloth). For those contacts that are less accessible like pins and their holders, or sockets, I use electrical cleaner from a spray can, for the female holders, work it with things like pipe cleaners or the tiny round brushes you can sometimes find at the dollar store. I always add a thin film of dielectric grease so they don't recorrode.

A soft pencil eraser works well if the contacts aren't too corroded or pitted

Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 18 Aug 2024 20:26
by Roger27TBB
Hi all together,

i also had an issue with my indicator.
So i searched in the Internet and found
a video on "youtube". You must look for
"Classic mini indicator fix (Rusty Mini).
It is a very good manual for fixing the issue.
The old Mini uses nearly the same indicator stalk.
I dismantled my indicator stalk the like in the video
after i removed the steering wheel and disconnected the harness
pluggs and rebuilt it after cleaning. I used silikon greaese
for the moving parts. The biggest problem was reassembling
due to the little parts (springs, copperbar, plastic-pins and the
little ball that positions the indicator stalk). There is a little play
in the movement of the indicator stalk due to the diameter of the stick
and the guidance. To make reassembling easier I made a little trick.
To hold the little copperbar in position i connected a thin copperwire
around the middle of the copperbar and the spring. Bevore reinstalling
to the car i tested the function and it works until now.
Beware of not loosing parts. I used a blanket when disassembly and reassembly
the indicator stalk switch.


Re: Indicator Fault

Posted: 18 Sep 2024 23:09
by Howard_B
Forget the indicator switch as the feed from the hazard flasher by passes this entirely.
Not sure where you are from as this may effect the problem solving. I suspect a common wire from the two switched is broken - on a UK model this is usually green/red or green/white. Try energizing the lights using a fuse protected temporary wire from the battery to one of the non-working bulbs. If they all light up then this is the problem.
PM me if you want a detailed circuit diagram for a later UK model which should help you understand the issue.