I connected the battery and the electrics are mostly ok with just a couple of small issues that I will deal with later. I even managed to not lose any wiring harness smoke - it must still all be in there somewhere !

For the moment I am anxious to get the car back on its wheels so I have turned my attention to assembling the front suspension but have hit a snag - I can't tighten up the ball joint where the bottom link connects to the stub axle assembly.
Originally it would have had a castellated nut and split pin but the replacements I have, are supplied with a nyloc nut instead. When I try to tighten the joint I'm finding that once the nyloc part of the nut reaches the thread, the whole ball joint rotates and with nothing to hold on to I can't tighten it up ? I had in mind that the tapered part of the ball joint would stick tight in the tapered hole on the stub axle thus holding the thread still.... but it doesn't. Anybody know what gives ?
