
Windscreen wiper woes

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Rust Hunter
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Windscreen wiper woes

Postby tr7dan » 22 Apr 2022 16:51

Just trying to figure out how the wiper assembly fits back into the car - shoulda took more pictures when I pulled it all apart years ago but I think I've got most of it sorted, just some details I'm a bit vague on....

Part no. NKC482 I don't have, but looks just like a washer although the book calls it a spacer. Anyone know - is it a specific thickness and does it fit between the plastic clinch nut and the lower windscreen finisher panel ( in other words 'under' the panel) rather than under the screw head ? I think the screw should have a plastic screw cover over it if memory serves me correctly.

I know there are two flat rubber grommits fit in the unused LHD wiper holes under the finisher panel but is there any other kind of washer or seal fits under the finisher panel where the wiper splined shafts poke through..... or does the panel just get clamped to the car body when the the nuts are tightened up ? Again, I know there are rubber washers fit over the splined shafts on top of the finisher panel....


FI Spyder
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby FI Spyder » 24 Apr 2022 17:34

If I'm thinking of the right part, there is a "washer" that fits under the screws that secures the windshield finisher. It has a lip that the screw covers snap onto. You can get both parts from Home depot in the finisher pieces section. They are standard furniture pieces. Look for then in you local home reno store if you don't have a Home Depot.
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Rich K
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby Rich K » 25 Apr 2022 18:01

Hi, I have recently had my wiper assembly apart in order to strip and refurbish all the components. Whilst stripping it all down I took some pictures for reference. My car has rubber spacer blocks fitted onto the spindles of the wiper wheel boxes, which appear to act as a distance piece below the scuttle panel on the engine side. Not sure if this is what you are referring to.
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Rich K
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby Rich K » 25 Apr 2022 18:50

Just had a look at the parts diagram for the windscreen area and now I can see what you mean. I don’t recall there being a washer (NKC482) on my car, just the pozi screw (YZ3404) which locates through the black plastic snap cap (YKC2866) and screws into the plastic encap nut (YKC698) behind the black steel finisher panel (WKC5112). It is quite possible that the washer is missing on my car or was never fitted but I guess it makes sense for the screw to have a washer associated with it. Hope that helps.
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby tr7dan » 25 Apr 2022 22:34

Thanks Rich - yep, it's part no NKC482 that I don't know where it fits, it looks like a washer in the diagram but is referred to as a 'spacer/washer' in the parts listings.

The screw head obviously fits inside the plastic snap cap cover (YKC2866) but does this then sit on the spacer/washer above the panel (and if so, why would it be a 'spacer' rather than just a washer) or does the spacer/washer fit underneath between the finisher panel and clinch nut...... and lastly..... who even cares :? :lol: :lol: (they're coming to take me away, ha, ha !)


Dan :lol:

FI Spyder
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby FI Spyder » 26 Apr 2022 15:16

I can't recall about 482 being there or not (it's only been 15 years and I can't remember where I put this morning's coffee cup but trying to use reason, I would say washer/spacer would fit below the finisher as the snap washer that the screw goes through would provide the washer effect needed for the screw head and when the cap snaps onto it, the cap is flush with the finisher. Otherwise the cap would be raised on the finisher if the said washer was above the finisher and wouldn't look right.
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Rich K
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Re: Windscreen wiper woes

Postby Rich K » 26 Apr 2022 17:57

Hi Dan, I tend to agree with FI Spyder that the NKC482 spacer/washer would logically sit below the finisher. Bonded in windscreens were fairly new technology in those days and maybe having an “optional” spacer available on the production line was a way to get around poorly fitted screens and ensure the finisher could be screwed down to a satisfactory height in relation to the screen height.
1980 TR7 drophead repainted and V8 engine in the hands of John Eales
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