
DPO again

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DPO again

Postby HDRider » 07 Jan 2018 01:27

The wife and I went to drive to the grocery store the other night in the 80 DHC but sadly when I turned on the headlights we got illumination but no rotation.

I went out to day to look at the car to see if I could figure out what had happened. In short order I found that the one of the wires to the circuit breaker for the headlight motors had a very loose connection that the DPO had taped onto the breaker rather than going to the extreme measure of taking a pair of pliers and gently squeezing the connector so it would have a tight fit. Fortunately the connection failed in the driveway rather than on the wife's commute home in the dark and rain.

I suppose I should expect no less from the DPO who hired an "Electrician" when the fuel pump would not come on (PI System) with the key on the the motor not running. Said "Electrician" promptly took the fuse-box apart even though the PI pump does not have any power through the fuse block. Of course the issue was the pump never turns on unless the motor is running or the ignition is in the start mode.

It is so difficult for some of these young-ins to read the manual now a days it seems. It was in the trunk when I purchased the car buy the way.

Edward Hamer

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