JUK 260W Anyone know who owns it now?
Posted: 11 Dec 2012 09:41
This car is still on the DVLA database with a liability date in 2013. It was owned by Ralph Wigginton's son, Kevin. Ralph was a Standard-Triumph engineer most famous for being in charge of the Herald chassis design and development. Sadly Ralph has just died so I spoke to Kevin and we managed to get onto talking about TR7s.
It will be interesting to discover the whereabouts of this car because I think it's one of those rarities not in the TR Drivers Club here in the UK.
<center><b>[url="http://www.triumphdvd.co.uk"]Triumph TR7 and other car documentaries on DVD here[/url]</b></center>
It will be interesting to discover the whereabouts of this car because I think it's one of those rarities not in the TR Drivers Club here in the UK.
<center><b>[url="http://www.triumphdvd.co.uk"]Triumph TR7 and other car documentaries on DVD here[/url]</b></center>