Postby Rich K » 19 Apr 2022 20:42
Sadly I had to de rust the metal heater components using a wire wheel in a drill as I don’t currently have a compressor/blast cabinet. Soon to be rectified though!
Thought I should post pictures of the VW/Audi matrix in situ, especially as I had to make a few minor tweaks to the casing in order to get it to fit satisfactorily. These consisted of small slots made either side of the steel housing, opening out the plastic casing where the pipes exit, and also shaving a few millimetres off the plastic casing on the opposite side to the pipes. Hopefully this will be obvious from the picture that I have marked up. It becomes clear where you need to remove material when you offer up the matrix into the housing. The metal bands that hold the plastic ends onto the VW matrix are just a little too squared off to allow the matrix to drop all the way in hence the need to create clearance at the points indicated.

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1980 TR7 drophead repainted and V8 engine in the hands of John Eales
1977 TR7 fixedhead awaiting restoration
1981 TR7 drophead bodywork and mechanicals now done, completing trim currently.
Ford Ranger Wildtrak
Jaguar XKR Supercharged