
Poly subframe bushes - torque settings?

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Poly subframe bushes - torque settings?

Postby jimpickard » 15 Jun 2017 10:06

I have fitted orange poly subframe bushes and new spacers to my car and I'm not sure what torque settings I should use for the bolts. If I tighten the bolts to the torque figure specified in the manual the bushes appear "squashed". I have asked Rimmers and they say to just nip them up (!). Any ideas?

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Re: Poly subframe bushes - torque settings?

Postby Beans » 16 Jun 2017 19:04

The steel spacers inside the rubber (or in your case poly) bushes are there to enable the bolts to be torqued down properly without putting to much strain on the bushes.
If that means that your bushes are squashed a bit, either the spacers are to small or fitted incorrect or the poly bushes are to tall.
Whatever, make sure the bolts are torqued down to the proper (factory) specification because the front suspension is fitted to the sub frame!
1976 TR7 FHC (currently being restored ...)
1980 TR7 DHC (my first car, a.k.a. Kermette)
1981 TR7 FHC (Sprint engined a.k.a. 't Kreng)

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