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Windscreen wipers

Posted: 10 Apr 2017 15:26
by Triumphsteve

My wipers won't turn off. I have installed a brand new stalk from a land rover because the old one looked particularly worn. There must be something broken but the Haynes manual is of little use. Any help would be greatly appreciated I'd love to get the old girl MoT'd

Re: Windscreen wipers

Posted: 14 Apr 2017 14:04
by Beans
To start with check that the connector of the new switch is wired the same as the old one.
Also looking worn might not mean actually worn. Plug in the old switch and see what happens.

Re: Windscreen wipers

Posted: 14 Apr 2017 19:21
by FI Spyder
While one suspects the switch/plugins etc. being different because that's what changed what can also cause the wiper blades to keep going is if the copper tab that moves the parking switch is broken (happened to me) or perhaps even if the switch is far enough out of position (located by the motor). You wouldn't have gone near this I would have thought but if all else fails something to keep in back of mind (one of those coincidences).

Re: Windscreen wipers

Posted: 28 May 2021 05:41
by mmi16
I have the opposite problem. My wipers don't work.

Last time I tried to us them - they made 1 pass of the windshield and then quit. I suspect they may have blown a fuse,

In checking the fuse box on my 79 USA TR-7 Convertible, none of the fuses are identified as being for the wipers.

Re: Windscreen wipers

Posted: 28 May 2021 11:34
by Milanoverde
I have had that failure. Not a TR but the cause was simple, bad motor.