
Save lifting points

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Scuttle Shaker
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Save lifting points

Postby vitessesteve » 13 Dec 2016 16:31

I know where the factory original jacking points are on my TR7 what I was wondering was how best to lift the front of the car off the ground. My other cars have a chassis and it is possible to lift from the centre of the front cross member for example.

Would using a jacking beam bearing under the front subframe where the steering rack attaches be OK?

Any other suggestions?
Steve Weblin - AKA vitessesteve -
1982 TR7 Sprint DHC

FI Spyder
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Re: Save lifting points

Postby FI Spyder » 13 Dec 2016 20:19

I put a piece of wood across the cross member and lift from the front at the centre of this. This requires a low profile hydraulic jack our you can drive the car up on some 2x6 (2x8) to get an extra 1.5" clearance.
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Re: Save lifting points

Postby dursleyman » 16 Dec 2016 21:13

I have a hard rubber puck like they use in ice hockey that sits on the trolley jack so its doesn't make nasty scratches on the underside. Combine this with some tape on the jack handle so you know just how far it needs to go under the car to reach the centre of the subframe and you don't even have to kneel down.

1981 TR7 Sprint DHC & 1977 TR7 Sprint FHC

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