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Immobiliser ??

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 17:46
by chinnybeer
As I'm new to Triumph, I was wondering if this is some kind of immobiliser. It has metal pipes, one in the side, the other in the rear, are these fuel pipes perhaps? There are also electrical connections on the left, one wire is white/red so guesing it's ignition related.
IMG_20160228_154215 - Copy.jpg
IMG_20160228_154215 - Copy.jpg (126.81 KiB) Viewed 2393 times

Re: Immobiliser ??

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 07:02
by john 215

At guess yes.....pipe looks on the small size for fuel pipe..... possibly brake pipe ???? Can you follow them and see where they go ? Nowt I have seen before.

Cheers John

Re: Immobiliser ??

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 13:59
by supercass
I would also say yes at a guess. Presumably it has been there a while as now with more recent technology the obvious choice would be to replace the fuel pump with an electric one and then immobilize that electronically rather than the (arguably) risk prone extending of the fuel pipes. supercass