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Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 10 Jul 2015 14:19
by Derv02
After years of thinking about it, I've finally got myself a 1981 TR7 DHC. In Midas gold and reasonable condition.
Going great first couple of days, didn't run as well as I'd hoped but put this down to needing a tune up.
However it has developed a fault where when I try to accelerate or the engine is under load the car stutters, loses power and stalls. Also back fires on deceleration.
It fires up no problem from cold, but is undrivable at present.
I'm thinking its a fuel problem?
Any advice would be great, don't want to start replacing bits to rectify the problem.
Cheers Derv
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 10 Jul 2015 14:39
by Cobber
I'll put my money on ignition.
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 10 Jul 2015 20:57
by saabfast
Has it been standing around for a while? Does it have a fuel filter? If not, fit one to the pump suction pipe and check for water in the fuel. Take the top off the carbs fuel chambers and check the flexible mounts for cracking and air leakage. Also check standard ignition stuff, points, rotor arm, distributor cap, plugs and HT leads. I normally end up replacing most of the ignition when I get a new car just to know its OK.
All sounds a lot but does not take long to do and these things normally turn out to be something small and simple.
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 10 Jul 2015 21:11
by march
Sounds very much like a problem I had with a Range Rover many years back - turned out to be a fuel issue. Cleaned the Carbs, replaced the fuel filter and off she went happy as anything - quick, very cheap and easy. This may not be the problem but a quick check of the carbs / fuel filter could be a good start.
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 10 Jul 2015 22:55
by nick
If you just bought it follow the late Mildred's advice. She always admonished everyone who had a new purchase to start with a basic tune. Plugs, points, timing, carb setup. Once all that is accomplished we can help you troubleshoot most any problem you have. But chasing problems without the above first being done is like throwing darts blindfolded.
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 12 Jul 2015 10:41
by Derv02
Thanks guys for your help on this. As suggested I'll give the TR7 a service and take it from there, hopefully that will cure the problem.
Re: Stuttering and stalling
Posted: 12 Sep 2015 22:18
by Derv02
Update on the problem, finally got to the cause.......water in the fuel tank, it's getting in through the the fuel cap. Drained and cleaned the tank out, added fresh fuel and a new fuel filter and she fired up and drives like a dream, so chuffed
Ready to hit the mean streets of West Cumbria now!