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Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:35
by rugbyref1
... from an Aussie who will be joinging the forum shortly ...
an electrical issue question, car turns off but ign light stays on and drains the battery if not disconnected, had it at auto electrician but they couldnt work it out. Any ideas, have you ever had that happen. It used to be fine but then decided it didnt want to turn off at all then changed to turning off ok but ign light still on.
Re: Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 13:28
by Cobber
Well I dunno about the auto elec that couldn't find the problem, but I suspect their probably a bit younger than the car.
An old school auto elec would check the alternator,it's regulator and diodes first, then check all wiring, grounds and connections on the circuit, before then going on to checking the ignition switch and any other components on the charging circuit.
If this soon to be new Aussie member lives in Melbourne, get 'em to get in touch with me, and I'll see if I can help.
Re: Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 09 Jun 2015 05:33
by Clara
The power for the light comes directly from the alternator. It's the small brown/yellow wire. Get a new alternator or have your old one rebuilt with new diode.
Re: Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 10 Jun 2015 14:44
by Cobber
Michael has emailed me, and I've replied, will keep you posted on any developments
Re: Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 11 Jun 2015 13:42
by Cobber
Michael has been back in touch, alas I wont be able to help him sort it out as he is based in another state (SA)
Re: Ignition Light stays on
Posted: 11 Jun 2015 14:19
by Clara
Like, I've been in that state for a very long time! If I see him, I'll let him know.