
chrome finish of the windshield

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Scuttle Shaker
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chrome finish of the windshield

Postby oliviertr7 » 15 Oct 2018 17:34

before gluing them, I have trouble repositioning the chrome finish of the windshield.
does anyone have a trick not to twist them?

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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby Beans » 15 Oct 2018 21:23

They should be fitted directly after the windscreen is fitted and aligned.
So with the kit/glue/bonding material still soft. How I did it a few years ago ...
1976 TR7 FHC (currently being restored ...)
1980 TR7 DHC (my first car, a.k.a. Kermette)
1981 TR7 FHC (Sprint engined a.k.a. 't Kreng)

Scuttle Shaker
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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby oliviertr7 » 16 Oct 2018 07:59

thank you mister bean
only they were poorly positioned when winding the windshield and I want to put them back in place
the problem is that if I adjust one side, the other does not stay online

Scuttle Shaker
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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby oliviertr7 » 16 Oct 2018 15:31

in the end, I have beveled some places, to be able to gently bend the stick and prevent it from bending,  after I cut a protruding cutter along the windshield and finally I glued to the black sika, it looks all good.Image

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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby sonscar » 16 Oct 2018 17:19

When I changed my screen it was half as thick as the original so the trims did not fit as well as they did,standing off the glass slightly.Steve

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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby Beans » 16 Oct 2018 22:04

It's probably not the thickness of the front screen that causes the problem but the fact that you're now using a modern sealant instead of the original bonding kit?
I used a modern sealant/glue, and that's why we put a fairly high ridge of sealant on the screen. We did use spacers to get the correct position of the screen.

1976 TR7 FHC (currently being restored ...)
1980 TR7 DHC (my first car, a.k.a. Kermette)
1981 TR7 FHC (Sprint engined a.k.a. 't Kreng)

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Re: chrome finish of the windshield

Postby Hasbeen » 23 Oct 2018 04:00

Be careful of the modern windscreen sealer that comes in a roll. Our local company use this stuff, it is like a ribbon of sticky black stuff about 3/4" by 1/4" on a roll with a waxed paper on one side.

They fitted a new windscreen to the 7 using this stuff a few years back, & it is a good system, apart from the trim. This stuff never hardens I found. A few days later I was driving home from a trip to town in the early afternoon, with the sun behind me & to the right a little. I noticed a funny shadow flashing across the bonnet, when ever the sun was in the right angle.

I suddenly realised my windscreen trim had come unstuck down the side of the screen. This section was sticking almost straight up, held to the car by the still attached top section, & waving in the breeze. I got a very dirty black hand when I reached up & grabbed it before stopping.

It was a 34 C day, & the car had been in the sun for some hours, which may have caused the thing to come soften too much. I stuck each side in with a few dollops of black Sikaflex, before taking the car out again.

No matter how much you may think you've seen it all by now, our cars always have another little trick to play on you.


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