I've been persuaded to make a batch of fit-it-yourself kits that will allow the rear lights of the TR7
and TR8 to be doubled - so that both the rear light and the brake light positions act as both
functions via the use of 5W/21W double filament bulbs and bulb holders.
An added safety feature will be that the rear light filaments will be cross fed from the other side's fuse.
This prevents any future one-eyedness caused by eiter a filament burning out or a fuse feeding one
side rear lights blowing...
Unfortunately the brake lights are fed from a single fuse so 'zero-eyedness' can still occur for the
brake, but lighting up four 21W filaments when braking probably wakes up far more mobile toting
SUV drivers than what just two does. Fitting this will probably prevent a rear ending or two...
I've sat a deadline of February 10th for the 37 Swedish Wedge owners to order a set,
and I guess the same would be appropriate for this fraternity as well...
The cost will be strictly 'at cost + shipping' and you will be able to pay for your kit to my PayPal
account. The bulb holders are quite pricey at ~GBP 5 each and a kit will bring you four of them.
There will also be ready cut and ready terminated cables [in the corrct colour combinations]
+ some sort of instruction regarding how to correctly fit the things. If the buyer wants to I can
include bulbs [at cost] as well, but I'm a bit reluctant to ship bulbs - for obvious reasons...
I've had this in my car for years and I'm very satisfied with it.
Best regards