
Not a wedge, but still a Triumph.

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Not a wedge, but still a Triumph.

Postby Hasbeen » 08 Jul 2023 14:09

Not a wedge, but still a Triumph.

Our Triumph club in Queensland is still suffering from the Covid idiot lock downs. People got out of the habit of attending monthly meetings one Wednesday night a month, & attendances never recovered when the stupidity stopped.To overcome this we now have Saturday morning meetings followed by a bar-b-que or a pizza party. Unfortunately we can only get the venue 4 times a year, so most socialising is on monthly drives of car & coffee mornings.

I have a fellow Triumph mate near by, & we take turns providing the transport for the 50 odd kilometre each way. Today it was one of his Dolly Sprints. He drives rather conservatively & unfortunately on the way home a stupid kid in a hot hatch decided to roar around the outside of us on a roundabout. Having more ego than ability he drifted into the front corner of the Sprint. His rear mag wheel caught the corner of the bumper bar, nocking it up a bit & into the fender. The most costly thing will be the re chroming of the bumper bar, but it did spoil day a little.


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