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New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 14:48
by Chubster
On the gearbox loom can anyone identify where the two wires that do not go to the gearbox reverse switch end up please, my loom only has two wires however all new looms have the 4 wires?
Picture1.jpg (68.8 KiB) Viewed 5593 times

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 17:36
by saabfast
Auto box inhibitor connections?

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 09 Feb 2020 20:01
by Beans
Not sure what loom you ordered, as these are the business ends of an original TR7 gearbox loom ...

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 13:31
by FI Spyder
If I am not mistaken the two extra wires are for the light in the automatic gearbox which the manual doesn't have/use.

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 17:14
by Chubster
Once again really appreciate the help, Thank you.

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 18:08
by Steve @ SandS
Nowt to do with the auto box. The tr7/8 loom should only have 2 connections. Someone has sold you the loom off sonething else.

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 13 Feb 2020 20:31
by Peter Nuss
I've removed that type of harness off a couple of TR7 I've scrapped. I even still have one around here somewhere. What the extra wires are for I don't know or can't remember. But, the TR7 did come with that harness for some reason on some cars in the US.

Re: New Gearbox loom additional wires?

Posted: 14 Feb 2020 17:33
by Chubster
Thanks Peter, I have connected the loom minus the two wires and all is fine. It was brought as a manual loom so didn't need any 'bypassing'.