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Archive Info

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 09:20
by simps
My mate has a 1977 FHC, he is trying to put it back in the road, but the VIN and engine numbers are missing.

DVLA are being less than helpful, even though they know this info they want him to have it VOSA inspected and they will issue a new number based upon the latest component. He would obviously like to retain the original.

Is there an archive anywhere which might be able to shed some light on the original number(s)

Ta v much

Re: Archive Info

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 12:39
by saabfast
Christopher Smith may be able to help from his extensive records. Might be worth contacting him through FB as more seems to happen there now (Christopher Kenneth SMITH). Have you checked the boot gutter, some had the VIN stamped there but I can't remember which years now.

Re: Archive Info

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 13:20
by simps
Cheers, I don’t do Facebook, but my mate does. And thanks for the tip on the gutter location