I currently have my rear brakes apart due to a brake fluid leak. SO while off, I thought it was a good time to clean things up and replace anything that needs replacing. I had 2 springs, 4 pins, 4 washers and 4 e-type Circlip (along with the 4 metal adjustment bits).
However, when I look t the new kits there are 6 washers (2 big & 4 small) and 5 e-type Circlip. Are the extras or do the washers to go between the spring and the metal adjuster or are they for packing out at the top of the pin?
Also has anyone changed the original Clevis pin that takes the Circlip, to a new pin with a hole in the top to take a clip at the end. To make it easier to change in the future and save the pain of trying to get the Circlip on..