Thanks for that guys, from what I can work out, it seems to be correct and if it went to 3/4 before the fan kicked in, that would be a bit of a worry. Oh yes Hasbeen, that is on my birthday present list. It was on the Christmas present list too, but the socks and bottle of whisky beat it to the top
I am planning a trip to supercheap this weekend so hopefully it will be in the tool box. When I was in the UK I was going to get one from Halford's but the guy said that they do not sell them any more, which I thought was a little strange.
I will be ordering a new coolant sensor to fit as the one in has not been changed since I have had the car, for the last ten years. So now would be a good time to try and get the gauge to tell the (truth or as close as it can).
From what I can make out the normal running temperate on the gauge is 1/4, when the viscus is on it. So as long as it is running between the range which it currently is, that seems to be both correct and safe. I will confirm this though when I get the digital gaget though when I have it.