In response to John Clancy's excellent article in the latest TRDC mag.. (sorry if you're not a member & haven't seen this - Hint.. JOIN!)
Few observations.. the black car on the front cover is RHD. The silver stripes appear to have a red pin-line, is this true? Does that car exist or is it JC's car photoshopped?
The red car in the article (ads) is LHD USA Spec but the Queen's Jubilee was more of a UK event surely? The ad says the interior is Brushed Nylon Broadcord but the picture shows red tartan Is that BL speak for the later tartan with Nyloncord being the earlier corderoy like version?. Can't tell if there is red pinlines as the car itself is red but it looks like there may be.
As for making a replica? Well JC's car is already black and sometimes mistaken for a Jubilee so...? Also it appears that Chris Turner already has a real one, just need to put the stripes on!
Ltd. Edition Display.. would also need a USA Anniversary Edition dhc. There is one in the UK somewhere as one was for sale for quite a while on the south coast about a year ago.
Southern Skies.. Apart from the Java green one pictured in a junkyard in the US a few years ago this would seem to have vanished without trace. Anybody knowing of a restorable one in the USA please feel free to contact me!
regards Steve