
She's well awake now.

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She's well awake now.

Postby Hasbeen » 23 Nov 2016 09:09

Used the 7 to drop my son off at a party about 10 days ago, where far too much grog was to be consumed for him to drive himself. The thing coughed & spluttered on being asked for moderate acceleration for the 20 kilometres there, & was better, but not great on the way back.

When I thought about it, I realised she had sat for almost 3 months, & had not been mothballed, as it was unintentional. Obviously she had been enjoying her slumber, & was not happy to be woken. The problem was flooding, so the needle & seat in one or both carbs were gummed up.

With no time to work on her, & a Triumph Sports Owners club run through our border ranges on Sunday, I used her a couple of times more in the next few days. By Sunday she was running pretty well, & was a joy through 300+ Kilometres of twisty back roads. It was not conducted at Tourist Trophy speeds, but it was not too much under that.

Today really got her going. My youngest is moving into her new house next week, but the shed will not be built before Christmas, so she has asked us to store a few things. We took the trailer the 100 kilometres over today to pick some up, & the only car I have currently with a tow bar is the 7.

She knew the trailer was there on the way over, but really noticed it coming home. So did the people we passed. Ozzies are just silly enough to enjoy the sight of a small sports car, with a largish trailer, pilled up with stuff. I can't recall getting more smiles & waves, ever.

The car performed flawlessly, despite the 35C temperature & a fair bit of revving in lower gears, & the air conditioning running flat out. I congratulated myself on fitting the new radiator to compliment the air, when it went in.

Any gum in the carbs is well gone, & I have my little lady back.


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